Airport, Technology & IT Center | Texas, USA - AAP2
USD 13,000,000,000
Spent so far: USD 200,000,000
Can spend more: Yes
Airports Aviation Bio-fuel Commercial RE Infrastructure Oil & Gas
Assured repayment by: Independent and credible feasibility study | Operations & Management Agreement | Other Off-Take Agreement | Power Purchase Agreement
Submission Ready Indicators:
LTV Expectation: 90%
Land/Site: Owned
EPC Contracts: Signed
PPA/OMA or other off-take agreements: Signed
Financial Projections: Completed and available
Most PFX listed opportunities qualify for A+-rated Insurance Wrap
USD | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 |
Turnover | 189,709,000 |
259,298,000 |
346,549,000 |
434,494,000 |
525,683,000 |
EBITDA | 101,684,000 |
164,259,000 |
244,243,000 |
372,512,000 |
406,241,000 |
% | 53 |
63 |
70 |
75 |
77 |
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