Quality Affordable Housing Development | Pampanga, Philippines - DIS016

This significant residential housing development is located in Mexico, Pampanga, a first-class municipality in the province of Pampanga, Philippines, known for its steady economic growth. It has a notably low poverty incidence of 4.6%. Mexico benefits from its proximity to Clark International Airport, a major gateway in the region. This strategic location enhances its appeal for residential and commercial development, contributing to its growing economy and improved quality of life for residents. The project site is a 56-hectare group of properties, over seven hectares of which are already owned by the project principals. The remaining 49 hectares of the project have been designated for development under an agreement between the principal and the Armed Forces of the Philippines Retirement and Separation Benefits System (AFP-RSBS) at a previously agreed-upon price. This land will be integrated into the overall development plan for the project for Phases 2, 3, & 4, further supporting the construction and sale of housing units and commercial spaces within the community. The land is owned by the project principals with a value of $19m and is being provided to the project as equity contribution.
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